Friday, September 23, 2011


I'm so excited!!! I was recently informed by the head honcho of Confidential Care for Women that there is a organization that is working on establishing sort of like a hospital in Memphis. It is down to 4 locations but the man I met last night and talked to said that Memphis is pretty much top of the list.
Last night Confidential Care for Women had a banquet at Bellview which I served at with my new friend Katherine (who is awesome) and Justice. And of course a whole staff of servers who I was amazed to find out nearly every one of them were homeschooled. Just something we all had in common. Toni introduced me to this man that was sitting at her table. And I soon found out who he was, he was a representative for this Morning Center! The Morning Center offers:

The Morning Center maternity hospitals will offer…

  • Complete prenatal care, counseling, mentoring, and professional photography that celebrates the joy of new life.
  • A birthing center atmosphere in a full service maternity hospital, allowing a mother great flexibility in making birth choices – from facilities for water birth, and space for family, to highly trained staff and equipment needed for any medical situation.
  • Staff members who have a clear sense of God’s calling to demonstrate the Good News of Jesus Christ in a potent and practical way as they care for each mother and baby
All For FREE! and they are using MIDWIVES!!! And not only Nurse Midwives!! And the representative told me how to get all my information at least on its first step of being looked at by the right people. The time line I was given was whether or not Memphis will be picked will be decided sometime next month. And then the Center is planned to open in January of 2013, I am scheduled to take my NARM Exam (the exam that makes me an officially North American accepted practicing midwife) in February 2013. So..... this might be another ministry that I can give my all to!!

I am so hyped!! I don't know how everything is going to work out but God works in mysterious ways sometimes.
Here's the link please take a look:
The banquet was awesome, we collected enough money for our Mobile Ultrasound Unit. The speaker Dr. Wilkinson was really good. We didn't collect as much money as our board was praying for, enough to save 300 babies. To save one baby from being aborted is $1,200. And we have to work hard to get that from donors etc since we are a non-profit organization. But we have saved 84 babies this year. And I really enjoy volunteering and giving everything I can to Confidential Care.
Moving out to Millington was a total God thing for sure if I had any inkling of a question before :) Opportunity after opportunity has been placed in my path, then I'm given the chance to follow through with quite a few of those opportunities already. And I'm only 19 and just in the beginning stages of my studies to become a midwife. With all the support and opportunities I've been given God really wants me to become a midwife and He is going to bless me all along the way. Who could ask for more? For a calling and passion to be wrapped up in one and to have different things dropped in your lap continually, what could be better? Anyway, I am very excited with this whole Morning Center.


  1. That is totally Awesome! God really loves you, so do I.

  2. that is AWESOME!!!! So excited for you! thanks for posting updates, it's really encouraging to hear what God is doing out there. :)

  3. Incredible, Samantha...thanks for sharing!!

  4. That is really awesome! I love how we can have a desire to do something that we believe is from God and as soon as we listen to that small voice God shows us that it REALLY IS His will. Sometimes it turns out a little differently then we first imagined, (as you know:) but we can be confident it will be to His design. THE JOY OF THE JOURNY!
    I'm excited for you!

  5. That so Awesome and exciting! Love you!

  6. I agree, that's pretty exciting. We'll stay tuned.

  7. Neato. i hope Memphis gets one of these centers. That is a really incredible project.
